Monday, August 23, 2010

Tourism In Nepal

Nepal is the world famous destination for the tourists all over the world. Every year many tourists visit Nepal. Nepal is rich in natural beauty. Heart catching sites and scenarios of Nepal are really the boon of God. Nepal is sometime compared to the heaven for its natual richness in the resources.
Tourists from all over the world visit Nepal for various purposes. Some come here for recreation purposes and some come here to investigate in various sectors. Some foreign tourists come here for financial purposes. Some tourists are attracted by culture and traditions of Nepal.
In Nepal here are interesting lakes such as phewa lake , Rara lake , Begnas lake ,etc. attract tourists . world famous mountains such as Mount Everest , mt Makalu, Mount Annpurna, Mount Dhaulagiri and so on are the popular destination of many tourists. Similarly national parks such as Sagarmatha national park, Chitwan National parks,etc.and hunting reserves such as Dhorpatan hunting reserves, conservation areas like Annapurna conservation area etc. are also famous destination for tourists. Internal as well as foreign tourists both visit such places.
Tourism has helped people in many ways. Many peoples are making a lot of financial benefits. Tourism has helped in national economy as well.
In Nepal 2011 is marked as tourism year. Government has made a lots of plans and policies to promote tourism. Political problems should be solved and we should develop our nation to promote tourism.

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