Monday, August 23, 2010

Politics in Nepal

Politics plays the important role in each and every aspects of the life. No field is left untouched by politics. Politics is the higher level of aspects. Actually politics is the competition of thoughts and philosophy between two or more parties. In Nepal politics is at highlights. Parties are making unfair competition in the name of politics.

In Nepal major political parties are Nepal Communist party Maoist, Nepali congress, CPN UML etc. Maoist is the largest of all. In Nepal here are more than 30 parties. They are raising various issues and in a way they are fighting in the unfair way. It is embracing. Peoples have given their leaders the mandate to make new constitution but leaders are busy to fulfill their own needs. They are seen unsuccessful to fulfill their responsibilities.
Political instability is the major problem of Nepal. No party can rule smoothly. We are kicked repeatedly by political parties and their leaders.\par
In Nepal great political leaders like B P koirala, Madan Bhandari and so on were borned.They had brought great revolution and change in various political, social, economic and other sectors. Later on Nepal lacked the great leaders. Leaders should drive the nation in right direction but they are not doing so. Due to this condition of Nepal is being worse day by day. Corruption is increasing day by day in Nepal. Leaders are taking national property in their pockets and misusing it. Development is hindrance by this tendency.
It is the time to carefully think over it because without making positive change in politics development cannot be imagined at true sense. So political improvement is a must. We should be careful for this.

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