Monday, August 23, 2010

Nepal in the past and now

The whole world is dynamic. Each and every thing go on changing as change is the natural process. In Nepal also many changes have taken in various fields in various ways. Nepal in the past and at present is vast different when compared.

In the past Nepal was almost completely underdeveloped but at present many development activities have taken place. In the past there was the problem of electricity, health, transportation, education and so on completely but nowadays such facilities are available. In Nepal many schools, colleges, campuses, universities have been opened. Education is imparted here. Concept of both former and informer education is working here. Similary in the past there was the problem of health facilities . People had no alternative than believing in witch doctors to cure their diseases and nowadays various awareness programmes are being conducted. In the Nepal various hospital, health post , medical centres etc. have been opened . Thus it has made people capable of using health facilities. In Nepal in the past people were facing the problem of transportation . They had to walk a long distances on leg. But now almost all type of transportation service is developed except than water transportationRoad transportation is most developed and air transportation is also slowly developing. In the similar way communication has been developed. In the past people had no means of communication but at present a lot of sophisticate means of communication are present. Electronic means of communication is rapidly developing.

Thus condition of Nepal as compare to the past is good now but it is not still satisfactory. We have to go long way in the process of development of nation . we should develop nation more and more.

Electricity Problem in Nepal

Nepal is second richest country in water resource whole over the world. At the same time Nepal is the Hilly country and it carries the unlimited capacity for generation of electricity. Electricity is the source of fuel and without fuel no work is possible to do.

Electricity is of different types. There can be solar electricity, fossil fuel electricity, and hydro electricity and so on. In Nepal it is possible to produce solar as well as hydro electricity. Basically Hydroelectricity is most suited because Nepal is richest in water resources. Nepal carries the capacity of producing 83000 GB of electricity but shamefully Nepal has been unable to do so.

Electricity problem is the major problem of Nepalese people. In the sunny days almost 18 hours a day is taken by load shedding problem and people become unable to do their work in the absence of electricity. So it is the great issue and it should be solved in the time. People are unable of performing electricity related works. So it has made Nepal the dark as well as underdeveloped country.
In Nepal effective plans and policies should be made in order to reduce and solve the problem of electricity. For this water resource of Nepal should be effectively reduced. Government should think of this effectively and people also should not waste electricity.

education in Nepal

Education is the process of gaining knowledge and it involves the process of learning and converting in the practical life. In Nepal education is not so developed but it is developing at low rate. In Nepal former and informal education both are given in various ways.\par
Former education is given in schools, colleges, campuses and universities.\par
Former education is recognized. Former education is more preferred and suggested while the concept of informer education is also highly important. Informer education has been cornerstone to increase literacy rate in Nepal.
Students are becoming more and wilder nowadays. Immorality rate, suicide rate etc is increasing along with increase in so called increase in literacy rate Nowadays education has not been successful to fulfill the purposes. It has not been successful to end unemployment problem. Much unfair relationship such as illicit sex, divorce etc. is increasing day by day in Nepal. It is not good sign.
We need the education that suits our periphery and condition. Education given to us should brand positive change in our life. We have to be civilized from every corners and every side. We should gain employment. Our education should suit our culture and tradition. Positive revolution should be taken in the field of education.

Politics in Nepal

Politics plays the important role in each and every aspects of the life. No field is left untouched by politics. Politics is the higher level of aspects. Actually politics is the competition of thoughts and philosophy between two or more parties. In Nepal politics is at highlights. Parties are making unfair competition in the name of politics.

In Nepal major political parties are Nepal Communist party Maoist, Nepali congress, CPN UML etc. Maoist is the largest of all. In Nepal here are more than 30 parties. They are raising various issues and in a way they are fighting in the unfair way. It is embracing. Peoples have given their leaders the mandate to make new constitution but leaders are busy to fulfill their own needs. They are seen unsuccessful to fulfill their responsibilities.
Political instability is the major problem of Nepal. No party can rule smoothly. We are kicked repeatedly by political parties and their leaders.\par
In Nepal great political leaders like B P koirala, Madan Bhandari and so on were borned.They had brought great revolution and change in various political, social, economic and other sectors. Later on Nepal lacked the great leaders. Leaders should drive the nation in right direction but they are not doing so. Due to this condition of Nepal is being worse day by day. Corruption is increasing day by day in Nepal. Leaders are taking national property in their pockets and misusing it. Development is hindrance by this tendency.
It is the time to carefully think over it because without making positive change in politics development cannot be imagined at true sense. So political improvement is a must. We should be careful for this.

Tourism In Nepal

Nepal is the world famous destination for the tourists all over the world. Every year many tourists visit Nepal. Nepal is rich in natural beauty. Heart catching sites and scenarios of Nepal are really the boon of God. Nepal is sometime compared to the heaven for its natual richness in the resources.
Tourists from all over the world visit Nepal for various purposes. Some come here for recreation purposes and some come here to investigate in various sectors. Some foreign tourists come here for financial purposes. Some tourists are attracted by culture and traditions of Nepal.
In Nepal here are interesting lakes such as phewa lake , Rara lake , Begnas lake ,etc. attract tourists . world famous mountains such as Mount Everest , mt Makalu, Mount Annpurna, Mount Dhaulagiri and so on are the popular destination of many tourists. Similarly national parks such as Sagarmatha national park, Chitwan National parks,etc.and hunting reserves such as Dhorpatan hunting reserves, conservation areas like Annapurna conservation area etc. are also famous destination for tourists. Internal as well as foreign tourists both visit such places.
Tourism has helped people in many ways. Many peoples are making a lot of financial benefits. Tourism has helped in national economy as well.
In Nepal 2011 is marked as tourism year. Government has made a lots of plans and policies to promote tourism. Political problems should be solved and we should develop our nation to promote tourism.

Culture and Tradition of Nepal

Nepal is culturally rich nation in the world . culture of Nepal is admired by the whole world. In fact culture and tradion is the identity of Nepal . Culture and tradition of Nepal has made Nepal famous in the whole world. Nepalese culture is unique in the world.
Culture and traditions are reflected in daily activities of the people. Cultures make the lifestyle and lifestyle determines the culture of particular race and community of people.
What people eat, what they speak, what the do , how they talk , how they behave, what they focuss , what they follow , how they sing , how they dance and so on are the culture and traditions of them. It is the culture which make them known in the crowd of peoples.
In Nepal here are many castes and creeds , languages,and colour like Brahmin, Chhetri, Newar , Rai and so on . they celebrate various festivals such as Dashain, Tihar, Teej, Lhosar, chat and so on. In Nepal main language Is Nepali . beside this other languages such as Newari , Maithili, Tharu, Magar and so on languages are spoken. Various temples , Vihar,church etc. are also the parts of culture and tradition in Nepal.
Thus culture and tradition is the main identity of Nepal and we should preserve and promote our culture and tradition anyway.

Forests in Nepal

Once upon the time there was the popular slogan “Hariyo Ban Nepal Ko Dhan” means that green forest is the property of Nepal. But nowadays forest in Nepal is rapidly decreasing. Forest area is being changed into settlement area. It has started the process of deforestation in Nepal.
Forest is very important part of nature as well as Nepal . without forest the livelihood of the people can not be imagined because forest in all requirements supplier. Forest provide basic as well as auxillary requisites of ours. Forest provides us air to breath, water to drink , herbs to cure diseases , food to eat and so on. Without forest we can not survive.
In Nepal use of forest is done in various ways. Majority of people are still dependent in forest as the source of fuel ie.firewood. People use forest as the raw material to make furniture, forest is used for the purpose of construction and so on.
Deforestation is the great problem of Nepal . we should stop the process of deforestation and step in the process of afforestation.

Agriculture In Nepal

Nepal is the hilly country where main occupation is agriculture . More than 70 % people are farmers. They cultivate in the field with their labour and produce crops. They sustain their life with that crop.
Agriculture needs heavy labour. So farmers do heavy labour and produce crops as the outcome of their sweats. Actually they are obedient from their heart who take pleasure in their heavy labour. In Nepal family members participate in agricultural works together and they share in joint. It is because large number of workers are needed in this field.

Terai is considered as the storehouse of grains. In terai fertile land is available. Large quantity of cash as well as food crops can be grown in the fertile land of Nepal. Peoples are busy with agriculture in Nepal . Although Nepal is agricultural country but major portion of Nepal is unfertile and due to this Nepal is still dependent with foreign nations for food.

Government should make proper plans and policies to develop agriculture in Nepal; and all peoples should try their best to increase their productivity in agricultural fields.

zones and districts of Nepal-

Bagmati Zone:-


Bheri Zone:-

Dhawalagiri Zone:-

Gandaki Zone:-

Janakpur Zone:-

Karnali Zone:-

Koshi Zone:-



Mechi Zone:-

:-Narayani Zone

Rapti Zone:-

Sagarmatha Zone:-

Seti Zone:-


Nepal is the small but highly beautiful country known as the country of Himalayas, land of Buddha, and so on. The tallestmountain of the world Mt Everest, world richest arts and crafts, heart touching culture and traditions and greenery of
Nepal are outstanding marks in the world from the side of Nepal. Nepal is considered as the boon of nature in the aspects
of natural beauty and beautiful culture.

Nepal is small country with the area of 184181 square kilometer area and geographically it is divided into 3 ecological
belts namely Mountain, Hilly and Terai region. In the mountainous region there are various famous mountains. Snowy
mountains in this region can attract the heart of every living being and basically the human beings. The world famous
mountains such as Mt. Everest, Mt Kanchenjunga, Mt Dhaulagiri, Mt Annapurna, Mt. Machhapuchhre, and Mt. Makalu and so on
are the great landmarks of this region. In the Hilly regions different hills such as Mahabharata range, chure Hills and
so on are main geographical features. In this region different green hills are touching the hearts of the people. This
region is steeply. Similarly Terai region is also famous in the terms of natural aspects. Plane Terai is the storehouse
of grains in Nepal.

Nepal is rich in arts , crafts ,culture and traditions. Majority of the people are Hindus in Nepal. Besides Hindus other peoples such as Buddists, Christians, Muslims and other peoples also live here. Nepal is called the garden of four castes
and 36 sub casts .In Nepal peoples are religious minded. In the sense Nepal is called the nation of temples. Different
folk songs, local dances, local festivals , local foods and so on catches the mind of foreigners as well.

Main problem of Nepal is unfair politics. Main reason besides underdevelopment of Nepal is the political problems.
Political leaders are busy to fulfill their personal requirements. They are cheating peoples and due to this peoples
condition has been more and more miserable. This is the dark side of beautiful Nepal but anyway Nepal is praiseworthy
Nepal should be developed . It is in the hand of Nepalese peoples and their leaders to develop Nepal. Culture and
traditions of Nepal should be promoted, resources should be properly utilized, political problem should be ended and efforts should be made from every side to develop this beautiful nation.